So, remember how I said I felt like I had a good grasp on HTML and CSS and wanted to move on to something else? Well, JavaScript seemed simple enough, with a tutorial to teach you the basics for free, but its so detached from use, you have a practice at the end of the 'lesson' and thats fine, but I need something more hands on, thats why this has worked so well for me. So I may either try to make something in JavaScript in order to learn/practice/get a good grasp on the matierial, or pick a new language thats a bit more hands on in the beginning stages, because if I have to do one more goddamn 'Hello World!'s I'll quit.
Okay, so I downloaded some apps to play around with for learning different languages, and once I pick one I can figure out how to use it on my laptop too. I did get a lifetime thingy for the app for C, because I actually really want to learn C, so thats worth it to me, for like, $10, I'd spend $10 on a book to learn it, so why not an interactive course. What is really funny to me is that every single app is a clone, they're all the same base ui. Either way, I'm excited to play around with them, and on here too.
My hair is dyed, it looks fine, but its not my favorite, it probably wont last a full week before I dye over it tbh I'll probably go purple next. I put on eyeliner fo rthe firs time in a while, I do kinda miss dressing more punk, but it requires so much effort, at least for me.
I'm a little over a third of the way through sapiens so far, its fascinating, and again, its so refreshing so have such a zoomed out perspective, I love anthropology. There was a comment about the soviet union, but I honestly don't know enough about what happened in the soviet union to know wether it was true or not. Luckily I do plan on reading some histories of the soviet union relatively soon, so. One big thing though, I'm currently reading by listening to audiobooks, but I'm gonn have to figure out a way to actually sit down and read a physical book because not all the books I want to read have a audiobook version (yet)