Oh. My. God. I hate mobile css. Its basically a second css sheet in the main one. My background image wasn't showing up right on mobile, and fixing it was confusing and annoying, but I think I finally got it fully figured out. I basically had to make a mini css sheet at the bottom of the main one for it to work though.
I'm dying my hair bright green, its my first time dying it this color, I'm excited.
So, I'm reading Sapiens, and one of the main things Harari really drives home is how certain things are entirely made up ideas in our minds, and how subjective that is, and how that power can be harnessed, and its a really refreshing interspersing with everything I've read previously, reminding me to zoom out more and look at the big picture, remember the nuance of existence. This is the longest book on my list besides Das Kapital I think, and it will probably take me a bit to get through it. It is really refreshing to be reminded that I am just an animal though. Its also great to hear about older non monogomous practices, as somone who is at his core polyamourous, even if I'm not actively practicing, though I do miss the freedom to form relationships so freely. I genuinely think if things end between me and J I'll be a relationship anarchist/solo poly for a bit, honestly I'd love the freedom to do that with him, but I don't think he'd be cool with it, as it has been implied that any desire from me to return to that lifestyle would put a great strain on our relationship, and possibly be our end. Which is fair, if we have a major disagreement about the basic structure of our relationship I'd say thats a fair reason to break up.
A note, I just needed to say this somewhere, I'm so glad I brokeup with my ex, or I'd be going to see the borderlands movie when it comes out, and I might have killed myself if I had to do that.