I had my birthday party today, had J's friends over and had dinner, and hung out, and talked, and played secret hitler, and had the most amazing chocolate cheesecake. It was really fun, I got some reccomendations from V about places to meet fellow leftist punky queers, and we're gonna check some out tommorow maybe. She also agreed to go to an event with me sometime at a bar, so that shoud be fun. Dr Price's book also had some tips that were helpful, and I really want to actually try to meet people.
My new stickers came in and I put all but 2 on my laptop, one went on my waterbottle, the other is for a device I don't have yet. My laptop is getting pretty full of stickers, soon I won't have any room left! Though I did just learn I can put stickers on my track pad and it will still work. I'm really happy with how its looking so far though.
I'm almost done with Unlearning Shame I'll be posting my summary of it tomorrow, and I'm hoping to put some of it to use tomorrow night when J and I go out. Its also pushed me to make another big change, which I'll be writing more about once I knock over the first domino for it.
In other book news, Che should be available soon from my library, I'm first in line when one comes availabe.
This post was a fun learning experience in adding images to posts. It's something I knew how to do, but hadn't really explored, and I learned how to make the images enlarge when the cursor is on them, to make them easier to see, as well as adding alt ids for them. I love that even when I feel like I know enough, I always have more to learn, like how to make the zoom effect not affect the blinkies in the sidebar. (I did figure it out 2 weeks later)