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Abolition. Femenisim. Now.

Well, I finished my second book on my current reading list, and I've had some thoughts, most of these are disjointed thoughts I had while reading that I jotted down, I will try to make them coherent.

So yeah, thats a general summation of the things that stuck out to me from that book, I'll be finishing Are Priosns Obsolete? next, and I'm sure I'll have many more thoughts and opinions then, I know the one thing they keep bringing up is that its hard or near impossible to imagine a world without prisons, and I do agree, but I think its clear that if we addressed the social issues that lead to most 'low level crime' to be commited that would bring us significantly closer to that future without prisons, and the way to do that is by defunding police and prisons, releasing inmates that are in prison for non violent crimes (and re-evaluating violent crimes that could be argued as self defense), and putting that money towards social services that actually serve and protect the community, as decided on by the commuunity.

P.S. I never thought I would write this much again, let alone on matters like this! I've missed writing, this is awesome!