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Lol, you thought this was gonna be about the 'national tragedy' that happened 23 years ago in New York City, New York USA didn't you? Well its not, I was less than a year old when that happened, I don't remember anything about it, and honestly, I don't care. It was used as justification for vicious hate crimes and war, and created a whack ass nationalist vibe in the US that has, in my opinion, only caused cultural progress to slow and even reverse. It amplified an atmosphere of fear and hate towards POC. The victims deserve remembrance, sure, but we hold the event to a ridiculous standard, and I'm proud of my generation for memeing on it so much, it deserves nothing less.

Anyways, like I said, this post isn't about that, its about me complaining about not being able to find a guide for how to make images draggable around the screen, and I don't just mean a transparent copy you can drag before it reverts to it's original position, I want to be able to move the images around the screen and play with them like dolls, but I can't figure that out, so I gave up, for now.

I made a new page yesterday, it doesn't match the themes of the rest of my pages, and its currently called 'playground.' It's a space where I basically just image dump blinkies and buttons and other things, and I made it because I got sick of having to edit my CSS every time I added a link to my link pages. I want to be able to move the little characters around, but I'll figure it out another time ig. In the meantime, enjoy the new playground, I intend to add more to it eventually.