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I Finally Figured it Out (Mostly)

I finally figured out how to add boxes/blocks, and I have a general idea of how CSS works now, I'm very proud of myself. I'm relatively happy with how it looks now, though I do want to learn how to do more still, like adding a background image, or changing the cursor, figuring out how to place boxes where I actually want them on the screen, and adding some blinkies to my sidebar. Oh! and also making it a sticky sidebar. And I should porbably make a starting ref sheet for future pages/blog posts so I don't just have to copy it from the last one. I also want to see if theres a way to organize my posts better on the backend, cause its starting to get a bit messy, and if I'm gonna use this as a blog, I'd like to be able to put my blog posts in a folder.

I have 1 and a half episodes of my favorite podcast left to listen to before I'm entirely caught up, from there I'm gonna try to finish the 2 Angela Davis books I've started, also I want to finish Sapiens. From there I'm not quite sure where I'll go, maybe Kapital, maybe- Oh! I just remembered I have 2 more Angela Davis books on libby that I want to finish before they expire, so I guess I'm gonna go through all of her published work and then read Sapiens and Kapital and Che Guevara and I survived capitalism and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, oh, and Unlearning Shame.

I often feel like I haven't read enough theory or like I don't know enough about, well anything really, but specifically political topics to have an opinion, or at least a vocal one. I mean, its all stuff I pretty regularly discuss with J, and I think having those discussions has challenged him and his beiefs, and he has moved further left along with me, though hes still more right leaning than me generally. I also think that those conversations help me to process my own beliefs, and having someone push back definitley helps solidify my positions, like it does for most people I suppose.

I honestly think a lot of my fear of voicing my opinions comes from not being belived or listened to when I would do that during my childhood and even sometimes now in my young adulthood, and its probably partially misogyny. I think I internalized that no one cared baout or wanted to hear my thoughts so much I now have trouble beliving people when they tell me they do actually want to listen. I'm hoping to maybe gain some insight into that with the Devon Price book on my reading list above, as I have a feeling that shame plays a big role in my fear of standing up for myself.
Shuttle is here now, so I guess I'm done for now

edit: coming back so say I figured out how to add a second sidebar for the reading list and I feel like a genius